A P E E E L 2    P E R I S C O L A I R E    R E S E R V A T I O N S

Group activities & Music private lessons @ Lux2 for ALL Lux2 pupils

Telephone contacts:  Periscolaire team  (+352) 273 224 5126  /   Office (restricted hours) (+352) 273 224 5127  

Emergency only : (+352) 621  169 308  Yann Gendron (Periscolaire Coordinator)

periscolaire@apeeel2.lu  / office@apeeel2.lu       

Due to the School exceptional closure tomorrow Wednesday 17/01/24, all Periscolaire activities are cancelled and the Accueil Periscolaire service is closed. 

En raison de la fermeture exceptionnelle de l'Ecole demain mercredi 17/01/2024, toutes les activités périscolaires seront annulées et l'Accueil Periscolaire sera fermé. 

Periscolaire group activities at pro-rata cost starting on week of 15/01/2024-  click here for information.


For more information on our Periscolaire programClick here
For information on the  "Accueil Periscolaire" Click here

To avoid receiving our emails in your Spam folder, please add the followiing email addresses in your Address Book: mailing@apeeel2.lu,  noreply@apeeel2.lu  and periscolaire@apeeel2.lu.


Starting this year, ALL APEEEL2 MEMBERS  must update their parent + children's profiles to be allowed to make any reservation (even if their accounts are already validated)  - CLICK HERE 


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A P E E E L 2    P E R I S C O L A I R E    R E S E R V A T I O N S

Group activities & Music private lessons @ Lux2 for ALL Lux2 pupils

Telephone contacts:  Periscolaire team  (+352) 273 224 5126  /   Office (restricted hours) (+352) 273 224 5127  

Emergency only : (+352) 621  169 308  Yann Gendron (Periscolaire Coordinator)

periscolaire@apeeel2.lu  / office@apeeel2.lu       

Due to the School exceptional closure tomorrow Wednesday 17/01/24, all Periscolaire activities are cancelled and the Accueil Periscolaire service is closed. 

En raison de la fermeture exceptionnelle de l'Ecole demain mercredi 17/01/2024, toutes les activités périscolaires seront annulées et l'Accueil Periscolaire sera fermé. 

Periscolaire group activities at pro-rata cost starting on week of 15/01/2024-  click here for information.


For more information on our Periscolaire programClick here
For information on the  "Accueil Periscolaire" Click here

To avoid receiving our emails in your Spam folder, please add the followiing email addresses in your Address Book: mailing@apeeel2.lu,  noreply@apeeel2.lu  and periscolaire@apeeel2.lu.


Starting this year, ALL APEEEL2 MEMBERS  must update their parent + children's profiles to be allowed to make any reservation (even if their accounts are already validated)  - CLICK HERE