A P E E E L 2    P E R I S C O L A I R E    R E S E R V A T I O N S

Group activities & Music private lessons @ Lux2 for ALL Lux2 pupils

Telephone contacts:  Periscolaire team  (+352) 273 224 5126  /   Office (restricted hours) (+352) 273 224 5127  

Emergency only : (+352) 621  169 308  Yann Gendron (Periscolaire Coordinator)

periscolaire@apeeel2.lu  / office@apeeel2.lu       

Our Periscolaire program (extracurricular activities)  is reserved to our members of all pupils’ categories and include group activities (sport, dance, art, languages, music lessons etc…), private music lessons in piano, guitar, violin, flute & clarinet, and summer camps for primary and secondary pupils.


  • Early September 2024: Publication of the FINALIZED Periscolaire program for 2024/2025

  • Mid-September 2024: Opening of online registrations in PAMS our Periscolaire reservations platform

  • Early October 2024: Start of all activities (group and private)

SPAMS: To avoid receiving our emails in your Spam folder, please add the following email addresses in your Address Book: mailing@apeeel2.lu,  noreply@apeeel2.lu  and periscolaire@apeeel2.lu.



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A P E E E L 2    P E R I S C O L A I R E    R E S E R V A T I O N S

Group activities & Music private lessons @ Lux2 for ALL Lux2 pupils

Telephone contacts:  Periscolaire team  (+352) 273 224 5126  /   Office (restricted hours) (+352) 273 224 5127  

Emergency only : (+352) 621  169 308  Yann Gendron (Periscolaire Coordinator)

periscolaire@apeeel2.lu  / office@apeeel2.lu       

Our Periscolaire program (extracurricular activities)  is reserved to our members of all pupils’ categories and include group activities (sport, dance, art, languages, music lessons etc…), private music lessons in piano, guitar, violin, flute & clarinet, and summer camps for primary and secondary pupils.


  • Early September 2024: Publication of the FINALIZED Periscolaire program for 2024/2025

  • Mid-September 2024: Opening of online registrations in PAMS our Periscolaire reservations platform

  • Early October 2024: Start of all activities (group and private)

SPAMS: To avoid receiving our emails in your Spam folder, please add the following email addresses in your Address Book: mailing@apeeel2.lu,  noreply@apeeel2.lu  and periscolaire@apeeel2.lu.